FDF Scotland responded to Transport Scotland's consultation on workplace parking licensing scheme regulations and guidance. They sought opinions on the regulatory framework and supporting guidance that will underpin local authorities’ schemes, should they choose to implement them.

Further information

Transport Scotland consultation on WPL Scheme regulations and guidance

Response submitted

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The Food and Drink Federation and our food and drink manufacturing members are very supportive of the Scottish Government’s ambition to reduce Scotland’s greenhouse gas levels to net zero. We were proud to launch our Net Zero roadmap setting out how food and drink manufacturers will achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. Our members have a long track record of reducing emissions associated with their operations including switching to low emission/electric vehicles and reducing food miles.

Workplace parking levies should not be introduced where:

  • Lack of credible public transport options are available to access a particular business including at certain times of day/night.
  • Where a business has safety concerns about employees commuting to/from work.
  • A business has a car park that accounts for shift patterns: Large manufacturing sites need to provide “extra” spaces for shift changeover patterns. Therefore, at any one time, they may have a higher number of car parking spaces than the number of cars that will actually be parked during a shift.

More information

Read FDF Scotland's full response