FDF Cymru appointment promoted by Welsh Government

17 April 2020

The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has appointed Pete Robertson to the role of Acting Director of FDF Cymru.

Pete's focus over the coming weeks and months will be to provide practical support to Welsh food and drink businesses, whether that is ensuring they are aware of the latest guidance from Welsh Government or practical assistance in accessing business support measures.

FDF is providing companies with updates and advice throughout the COVID-19 outbreak and now offers extended Covid-19 support in the form of:

  1. Members information and query resolution service
  2. Covid-19 temporary membership
  3. Non-member query hotline

Tim Rycroft, Chief Operating Officer of FDF said:

“Having spent over 25 years working throughout Wales in the Welsh manufacturing industry, Pete has an understanding and passion for Welsh Food and Drink.

“Under Pete's leadership, FDF Cymru will engages with the Welsh Food and Drink industry, harnessing the FDF's powerful advocacy, regulatory support and scientific expertise to provide a range of practical, operational and strategic benefits to members.

“I hope Welsh food and drink businesses will contact Pete directly at pete.robertson@fdf.org.uk or call 07891 657220 if they want to discuss how he might support to your business. “

Notes to Editors
The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) is the voice of the UK food and drink industry, the largest manufacturing sector in the country. The UK food and drink industry accounts for 19% of the total manufacturing sector by turnover and employs over 450,000 people in the UK across 7,000 businesses. We are an incredibly diverse sector, speaking on behalf of global brands and thriving small businesses.
Members range from global brands to ambitious, growing SMEs, to sole traders and we represent companies from across all sectors of the industry.

Mae'r Ffederasiwn Bwyd a Diod (FDF) wedi penodi Pete Robertson fel Cyfarwyddwr Dros Dro FDF Cymru.

Mae FDF Cymru yn ymgysylltu â diwydiant Bwyd a Diod Cymru, gan ddefnyddio cefnogaeth reoleiddiol ac arbenigedd gwyddonol i ddarparu ystod o fuddion ymarferol, gweithredol a strategol i aelodau.

Blaenoriaeth Pete dros yr wythnosau a'r misoedd nesaf fydd darparu cefnogaeth ymarferol i fusnesau bwyd a diod Cymru, p'un a yw hynny'n sicrhau eu bod yn ymwybodol o'r canllawiau diweddaraf gan Lywodraeth Cymru neu gymorth ymarferol i gael gafael ar fesurau cymorth busnes.

Ar ôl treulio dros 25 mlynedd yn gweithio ledled Cymru yn niwydiant gweithgynhyrchu Cymru, mae gan Pete ddealltwriaeth ac angerdd am Fwyd a Diod Cymru.

Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Pete yn uniongyrchol ar pete.robertson@fdf.org.uk neu ffonio 07891 657220 os ydych chi am drafod unrhyw beth neu sut y gallai fod o gefnogaeth i'ch busnes.

Mae'r FDF yn gymdeithas fasnach sy'n gweithio a chynrychioli'r gymuned sy'n cynhyrchu a mewnforio bwyd a diod. Ariennir yr FDF trwy danysgrifiad aelodaeth ac mae'n cynrychioli dros 300 o gwmnïau ledled y DU. Mae ganddynt swyddfeydd yn Llundain a Chaeredin. Mae ein haelodau'n amrywio o frandiau byd-eang i fusnesau bach a chanolig uchelgeisiol sy'n tyfu, i unig fasnachwyr ac rydym yn cynrychioli cwmnïau o bob sector o'r diwydiant.

Mae'r FDF yn darparu diweddariadau a chyngor i gwmnïau trwy gydol cyfnod COVID-19 ac mae bellach yn cynnig cefnogaeth estynedig Covid-19 ar ffurf:

  1. Gwybodaeth i aelodau a gwasnaeth ateb cwestiynau
  2. Aelodaeth dros dro Covid-19
  3. Llinell gymorth ymholiadau – agored i'r rhai sydd ddim yn aelodau

Am ragor o wybodaeth ar sut i gael gafael ar y gwasanaethau hyn os ydych yng Nghymru, cysylltwch â Pete yn uniongyrchol neu ewch i https://www.fdf.org.uk/fdf-covid19-support.aspx am fwy o fanylion.