Food and drink celebrated in Parliament

14 July 2023

Our annual summer reception in Parliament once again brought together members, MPs and stakeholders to celebrate the importance  of our industry to communities across the UK. 


  • Trade
  • Workforce and employment
  • News & media
  • Economic insights
  • Innovation

Distinguished speakers including John Stevenson, chair of the APPG for food and drink, food minister Mark Spencer and his shadow counterpart Daniel Zeichner all delivered memorable speeches highlighting how our companies continue to power the nation despite the challenging times we are facing.

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The speakers emphasised the substantial economic impact of the food and drink industry, contributing £33 billion to the UK economy with nearly 12,500 businesses providing not just jobs but careers in the heart of communities. Mr Spencer also highlighted the resilience of our businesses, stating that despite rising costs and disruptions to our supply chains we continue to deliver nutritious, delicious and high-quality products into the kitchen cupboards of families across the four nations.

As conversations flowed, MPs, Lords, and stakeholders engaged with industry leaders and FDF policy experts to discuss various aspects of our industry's current endeavours. Topics ranged from global trade, innovation and skills development to community projects and product reformulation to offer consumers healthier alternatives. These discussions showcased the wide-ranging value of our industry.


With nearly 70 parliamentarians in attendance, several of whom posed for a photo with our pledge board demonstrating their commitment to support the UK food and drink industry, the event was a resounding success. The high turnout and enthusiastic participation ensure that we eagerly anticipate reconnecting with everyone at next year's event. See you in 2024!

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Harry Cobbold is the public affairs manager at the FDF.