Campaign of the Year 2018

20 September 2018

Unilever - 'Marmite Gene Project'

We've always known that Britons either love or hate Marmite. We wanted to help them find out why.


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So we set up the Marmite Gene Project, working with the genetics company DNAFit. After a clinical trial and 8,760 hours of analysis, we made an incredible discovery: Marmite taste preference is genetic.

Gene Test Kits are available to purchase on the Marmite website, so people can discover for themselves whether they were born Marmite lovers or haters.

The campaign was supported by a 90 second film that launched with a TV roadblock across 120 channels at primetime on Saturday night.

On the night of the launch #MarmiteGene organically trended above #xfactor. In the first 24 hours, the campaign reached 31% of UK adults (16 million people).

The Marmite Gene Project has created over 200 pieces of press coverage - an earned media reach of 1.4 billion. It was even featured on an episode on Channel 4's 'Food Unwrapped'.