Scottish Council Elections 2022 – FDF Scotland’s asks

21 April 2022

Ahead of the Scottish Council Elections 2022 – FDF Scotland sets out our asks for Scotland's local authorities.


Ahead of the Scottish Council Elections 2022 – we ask local authorities to:

  1. Work with food and drink businesses on local food policy and plans - as part of the Good Food Nation Bill
  2. Encourage food and drink businesses, across all local authorities, to engage with our Reformulation for Health Programme – to help make their food and community healthier
  3. Work with education, businesses, and Developing Young Workforce teams - to promote progression routes and pathways into food and drink STEM careers and higher skilled technical roles
  4. Consider how local recycling and reprocessing infrastructure can support food and drink manufacturers to accelerate our zero-waste journey
  5. Ensure Environmental Health Officers are adequately resourced to work together - to ensure consistent food standards across Scotland