CPUK’s continuing commitment to highlight whole grain

04 May 2023

CPUK has made changes to the side-of-pack labelling to communicate important fibre information to consumers.


In 2022, CPUK made changes to the side-of-pack labelling to communicate important information to consumers. This included highlighting the fact that whole grain is the number one ingredient, stating the percentage of whole grain in the product, and incorporating messaging such as "High in Fibre" or "Source of Fibre."

Market research indicated that consumers associated whole grain with health and fibre, and the messaging was tailored to reflect this. A QR code was also added for consumers to learn more about whole grains and their dietary importance. This new labelling was implemented across 54 products between February and July 2022.

Additionally, CPUK continued to launch new products that emphasised the inclusion of whole grain and fibre, such as Cheerios Vanilla Os and Shreddies Limited Editions, which featured front-of-pack and back-of-pack messaging about fibre content.


*To note the Cheerios Vanilla Os artwork depicted is for 2022 specifically and may not reflect current packaging.