Industrial and Energy Transformation Fund (IETF)

30 May 2024

What is IETF?

In March 2023 the government announced a £185 million of funding for the IETF. Providing support for businesses with high energy use in their efforts to;

  • Cut energy bills and emissions through increased energy efficiency
  • Transition to a low carbon future through use of lower carbon energy and processes.

The fund is intended to support adoption of proven technology to improve efficiency and reduce emissions from energy and processes.

Join Ameresco for this insightful webinar, which will go through: 

  • What business activities are eligible looking at different types of project that can apply for the grant 
  • It will also cover what projects are not eligible (only available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
  • The process that you have to go through to make an application
  • The types of projects that are most likely to be successful
  • How long the process takes and when a business can expect to receive the benefit

This free webinar, will provide attendees with a strong indication of whether they have any potential projects against which they can claim the grant funding and what they have to do to be successful.

Funding amounts available are:

  • Energy Efficiency projects – up to 30% with a total grant cap of £14M
  • Deep decarbonisation projects – up to 50% with a total grant cap of £30M

Next round of funding applications due Summer 2024.


Download (1018 kb)


Kath ChapmanManaging Director

Arthur ProbertCarbon and Consultancy Director

Chloe Dyson BirdCarbon Manager


Food and drink manufacturers who are considering energy efficiency or fuel switching projects.

Ameresco - Industrial and Energy Transformation Fund (IETF)