Cereal Partners Worldwide UK
Cereal Partners Worldwide UK pledge to play our part in helping to bridge the gap between the UK’s dietary recommendation for fibre and actual fibre intakes. We produce a wide range of family favourite breakfast cereals including SHREDDIES, CHEERIOS, SHREDDED WHEAT and NESQUIK. We plan to help bridge the fibre gap through a combination of actions. We pledge to launch new and tasty high fibre breakfast cereals with strong marketing and trade support to maximise their chances of success. We also pledge to execute a variety of marketing initiatives focussed on promoting whole grains. This will include supporting national and international initiatives such as International Whole Grain Day.
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Kingsmill, Allinson’s
Allied Bakeries is pleased to support the FDF’s fibre initiative through our Kingsmill and Allinson’s brands. We pledge to support our existing higher fibre products, such as our Kingsmill 50/50 healthier white, with communications and labelling to help consumers identify and make easy swaps to appealing products which provide whole grains and/or fibre. We will also ensure that the majority of the new bread, roll and savoury morning good products we launch across our brands will be high in or a source of fibre.
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Kellanova pledges to continue to launch great tasting breakfast cereals and snacks that help the UK population to increase fibre intakes.
We also pledge to encourage and support people to eat more fibre through reformulation and to use the power of marketing and communications to help create understanding about the benefits of fibre, with the overall aim of closing the ‘fibre gap’.
Additionally, we commit to supporting and advocating for government policy that encourages and educates the public on the importance of increase fibre for health outcomes.
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KP Snacks
We commit to launching new and reformulated products that are a source of fibre and to use marketing and labelling to promote these higher fibre options to consumers and customers. Additionally, we pledge to promote higher fibre diets to our employees.
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Birds Eye, Aunt Bessie's, Goodfella's Pizza (Nomad foods)
Nomad Foods, through its UK brands Birds Eye, Aunt Bessie’s and Goodfella’s, is committed to help ‘close the gap’ between fibre intakes and the UK dietary recommendation. We believe that we can support this commitment by focussing on both products and communications. As part of our wider nutrition strategy we pledge to bring new products and innovations to the market that contain more fibre, as well as to increase the fibre content of current products through reformulation. Additionally, we pledge to provide online positive fibre messaging and educational content, along with serving suggestions and recipes which include a source of fibre. Finally, we pledge to support Fibre February, to contribute to the promotion of higher fibre diets.
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Warburtons, a 5th generation family business, is proud to support FDF’s Fibre initiative. We have been baking great tasting, nutritious products for over 145 years that form part of a healthy balanced diet and we believe we have a role to play in helping the nation improve its fibre intake. To do this, we will commit to ensuring we continue to innovate, introducing higher fibre products across our ranges and to improve existing products where we can. We will ensure that our on pack labelling and website product information, and where possible other communications activities, also contain fibre messaging to help support consumers and our people to make informed fibre led choices.
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Weetabix Food Company
Given the importance of fibre in our diet and the significant gap we’re seeing between the dietary recommendation and our actual fibre intake as a nation, the Weetabix Food Company’s branded cereals are importantly all high in fibre and we will continue to make sure every new branded cereal we launch is also high in fibre. We will wherever possible communicate this high fibre messaging on front of pack to help signpost this for consumers in store.
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Jordans, Dorset, Ryvita
We will continue our journey to communicate that high fibre diets are extremely important through marketing communications, on pack communications and through the development of more high fibre NPD.
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General Mills
General Mills UK diverse portfolio helps us serve food people love and that contributes to their wellbeing. We are proud to commit to help “close the fibre gap” through improving the variety and nutrient density of our offerings with innovations and reformulations that work for our consumer and help deliver more fibre, fibre rich food groups and wholegrain.
We will multiply our efforts through communications, engagement and support to events that encourage consumers to enjoy higher fibre diets.
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As the number one biscuit manufacturer in the UK, we know that a lot is expected of us on issues that matter in society. Hence, for years, we have been working on nutritional improvements across our product range. We are keen to play a positive role in helping the nation lead healthier lives. We will continue to launch new and reformulated products that are a source of fibre, as well as share more information on fibre and wholegrain on our packaging and via communications with our employees and consumers.
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Dr Schär
At Schär, the health, nutrition and wellbeing of our consumers is pivotal to our business. We produce products for people who avoid gluten, a population whose nutritional health may be of concern and in whom optimising gut health is essential. In recognition of the vital role that dietary fibre plays in supporting health and preventing disease in the whole population, alongside the chasm that exists between current population fibre intakes and those that are recommended, our pledges will be all-encompassing and span product development, marketing and work place health. The fibre content of our best-selling loaves will be increased and their fibre credentials will be a focus of consumer marketing communications. We will support national health and nutrition events with consumer information and educational assets to inform and support the public to increase their fibre intake. With the support of our company dietitians, we will initiate an internal work-place nutrition education programme, supporting colleagues to make a positive difference to their health by increasing fibre intake.
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We’re innocent and we make natural food & drinks that make people live well and die old.
Our smoothies and juices are made from not-from-concentrate fruit & veg juices. They never contain preservatives, concentrates and we never ever add sugar. All the sugar in the drinks is naturally occurring from fruit and each 150ml portion counts as ‘1 of your 5 a day.’
We’re always looking for ways to make our products even healthier which is why we’re committing that each of our adults smoothies will be a source of fibre by the end of 2021.
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Nestlé UK will help close the gap between fibre intakes and dietary recommendation through a number of actions with our products and brands.
Our Nestle Cereals with the green banner contain wholegrain as the number 1 ingredient, and are at least a source of fibre, most of them are high in fibre. Please see the pledges made for Nestle Cereals under the CPUK commitment.
Across our Food business (with brands such as Wunda, Maggi and Garden Gourmet), our Foodservice business Nestlé Professional (with Garden Gourmet), Terrafertil, and SimplyCook, we will support the FDF Fibre commitment by: bringing products to the market that provide a source of fibre and contain on pack messages, recipes and online recipe recommendations that include a source or serving of fibre. We will highlight fibre on packaging where possible and use our marketing power to encourage consumers and customers to purchase fibre containing products and meal solutions; as well as work with foodservice providers to offer more fibre on menus. We will also encourage our employees to eat more fibre through promoting higher fibre foods in our workplace catering on sites, and promote and support events with a fibre focus. This commitment complements our commitment under the Food Foundation's Peas Please pledge to help increase vegetable consumption in UK.
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Jacksons Bakery
Part of the William Jackson Food Group, Jacksons has bakeries in East Riding of Yorkshire and Northamptonshire. We are passionate about baking great bread, not only for our brand, but also for our own-label and sandwich manufacturing customers. Over the past few years we have been focussed on increasing the fibre content in a number of our core products. We have been successful in this area, which has motivated us to continue to innovate and launch more great tasting, higher fibre bread. We are delighted to be part of the FDF’s Action on Fibre and hope to play our part in increasing the nation’s fibre intake by encouraging consumers to choose tasty, higher fibre bread options.
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Premier Foods
As one of the UK’s largest food manufacturers, at Premier Foods we're committed to helping our consumers make healthier, informed food choices. It's why health is a top priority when we develop new products, and why we're delighted to be supporting Action on Fibre and playing our part to close the fibre gap.
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At Graze we commit to launching new products that offer a minimum of a ‘source of fibre’, and to use marketing and labelling to promote these higher fibre options to consumers and customers. Additionally, we pledge to promote the importance of a diet rich in fibre to our consumers and our employees.
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Tate & Lyle
As Tate & Lyle, we pledge to use our expertise in fibre, combined with our investment in cutting-edge research and use of high-end ingredient production facilities, to help food and beverage manufacturers to develop a variety of products that harness the health benefits of fibre and give consumers the taste and texture they love. We will also continue to promote the benefits of increasing consumer intake of fibre and the importance of gut health through thought leadership, external communication initiatives and ongoing engagement with industry experts and healthcare professionals and food and beverage manufacturers.
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AB Mauri
AB Mauri, part of Associated British Foods, are proud to be members of the FDF’s Action on Fibre initiative. We are recognised for our market leadership in technology solutions and are key suppliers to UK industrial bakeries. We are passionate about health & nutrition and committed to developing healthier solutions for our customers. As part of the Action on Fibre initiative, we pledge to launch at least 4 innovations specifically developed to help customers launch products that are either ‘high in fibre, or a ‘source of fibre’. We will be supporting annual events that promote the use and benefits of fibre, running webinars, teaching sessions, producing case studies, and developing social media campaigns. We will also be investing in important academic research that explores the impact of fibre on human health and developing ways to covert that research into innovative product solutions.
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