FDF members are committed to working alongside government as it develops calorie reduction guidelines. Compared to 8 years ago, FDF member products provide 13% fewer calories into the average shopping basket[1]. Companies have already reformulated, produced smaller portioned products and encouraged customers to purchase lower calorie products.
PHE (now Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) has developed voluntary calorie reduction guidelines for retail and out of home products, to be achieved by 2024. Most guidelines are based upon a 10% calorie reduction, and there are also guidelines for some single serve products.
The Government are due to publish an update on the first year of progress towards these targets this year.
[1] Kantar Worldpanel Take Home data for FDF members, total nutrient volumes in 2022 vs 2015
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The Food and Drink Federation (FDF), has released new data from Kantar Worldpanel showing that FDF member products contribute 13% fewer calories, 15% fewer sugars and 24% less salt to the average shopping basket than they did eight years ago[1].
The data shows that the average UK shopping basket has become healthier within recent years[2] and that the FDF's largest companies have managed to achieve improvements on nutrition which are around four times that of smaller companies [3]. This demonstrates that more support is needed to help smaller businesses reformulate.
More information can be found in the press release.
The new data has been featured by the following media:
[1] Kantar Worldpanel Take Home data for FDF members, total nutrient volumes in 2022 vs 2015
[2] There has been a 9% reduction in the overall Nutrient Profile Model score for the total food and drink market since 2018 - Kantar Worldpanel Take Home data for Total Food and Drink market, Nutrient Profile Model Score 2022 vs 2018
[3] FDF’s largest companies have on average reduced the Nutrient profile Model score of their products by 11%, which is nearly four times the reduction achieved by our wider membership - Kantar Worldpanel Take Home data for FDF President’s committee members, Nutrient Profile Model Score 2022 vs 2018
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